(41) Modelling the effect of base component properties and processing conditions on mixture products using probabilistic, knowledge-guided neural networksM. Borja Lopez Pelaez, J. Dhondt, J. Bertels, D. Van Hauwermeiren and J. Verwaeren(2025) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. 669, 125012. |
(40) Advanced wood species identification based on multiple anatomical sections and using deep feature transfer and fusionK.M. Zielinski, L. Scabini, L.C. Ribas, N.R. da Silva, H. Beeckman, J. Verwaeren, O.M. Bruno and B. De Baets(2025) COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE. 231, 109867. |
(39) Quantifying the hydrodynamic stress for bioprocessesU. Kaya, S. Gopireddy, N. Urbanetz, D. Kreitmayer, E. Gutheil, I. Nopens and J. Verwaeren (2023) BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS. 39, e3367. |
(38) Quantifying agonistic interactions between group-housed animals to derive social hierarchies using computer vision: a case study with commercially group-housed rabbitsN. Ipek, L. Van Damme, F. Tuyttens and J. Verwaeren(2023) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 13, 14138. |
(37) SmartWoodID—an image collection of large end-grain surfaces to support wood identifcation systemsR. De Blaere, K. Lievens, D. Van Hassel, V. Deklerck, T. De Mil, W. Hubau, J. Van Acker, N. Bourland, J. Verwaeren, J. Van den Bulcke and H. Beeckman(2023) DATABASE. 2023, 1-12. |
(36) Exploring image processing tools to unravel complex 1H−13C heteronuclear single-quantum correlation nuclear magnetic resonance spectra: a demonstration for pyrolysis liquidsS. Ghysels, J. Verwaeren, H.J. Heeres, L. Rohrbach, S. Backx, S. Mangelinckx and F. Ronsse(2023) ENERGY & FUELS. 37, 4446-4459. |
(35) Combining natural language processing and multidimensional classifiers to predict and correct CMMS metadataA. Deloose, G. Gysels, B. De Baets and J. Verwaeren(2023) COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY. 145, 103830. |
(34) Innovative rhizosphere-based enrichment under P-limitation selects for bacterial isolates with high-performance P-solubilizing traitsN. De Zutter, M. Ameye, P. Vermeir, J. Verwaeren, L. De Gelder and K. Audenaert(2022) MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM. 10, e02052-22. |
(33) Multiscale analysis of monoglyceride oleogels during storingK. Rondou, F. De Witte, T. Rimaux, W. Dewinter, K. Dewettinck, J. Verwaeren and F. Van Bockstaele(2022) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY. 99, 1019-1031. |
(32) Improved wood species identification based on multi-view imagery of the three anatomical planesN. Rosa da Silva, V. Deklerck, J.M. Baetens, J. Van den Bulcke, M. De Ridder, M. Rousseau, O. Martinez Bruno, H. Beeckman, J. Van Acker, B. De Baets and J. Verwaeren(2022) PLANT METHODS. 18, 79. |
(31) Comparing a product-specific versus a general emoji list to measure consumers' emotional associations with chocolate and predict food choiceJ.J. Schouteten, J. Verwaeren, L. Rini and V.L. Almli(2022) FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 157, 111299. |
(30) Predicting the hydrodynamic properties of a bioreactor: conditional density estimation as a surrogate model for CFD simulationsU. Kaya, S. Gopireddy, N. Urbanetz, I. Nopens and J. Verwaeren(2022) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DESIGN. 182, 342-359. |
(29) Uncovering new insights and misconceptions on the effectiveness of phosphate solubilizing rhizobacteria in plants: a meta-analysisN. De Zutter, M. Amey, B. Bekaert, J. Verwaeren, L. De Gelder and K. Audenaert(2022) FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 13, 858804. |
(28) Shifts in the rhizobiome during consecutive in planta enrichment for phosphate-solubilizing bacteria differentially affect maize P statusN. De Zutter, M. Ameye, J. Debode, C. De Tender, S. Ommeslag, J. Verwaeren, P. Vermeir, K. Audenaert and L. De Gelder(2021) MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY. 14, 1594-1612. |
(27) Respiratory CO2 combined with a blend of volatiles emitted by endophytic serendipita strains strongly stimulate growth of arabidopsis implicating auxin and cytokinin signalingJ. Venneman, L. Vandermeersch, C. Walgraeve, K. Audenaert, M. Ameye, J. Verwaeren, K. Steppe, H. Van Langenhove, G. Haesaert and D. Vereecke(2020) FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 11, 544435. |
(26) Comparison of the antifungal effect of undissociated lactic and acetic acid in sourdough bread and in chemically acidified wheat breadE. Debonne, D. Van Schoors, P. Maene, F. Van Bockstaele, P. Vermeir, J. Verwaeren, M. Eeckhout and F. Devlieghere(2020) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY. 321, 108551. |
(25) A combined RNA preservation and extraction protocol for gene expression studies in cacao beansJ. De Wever, D. Tulkens, J. Verwaeren, H. Everaert, H. Rottiers, K. Dewettinck, S. Lefever and K. Messens(2020) FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 11, 992. |
(24) Development of a land use regression model for black carbon using mobile monitoring data and its application to pollution-avoiding routingA. Van den Hove, J. Verwaeren, J. Van den Bossche, J. Theunis and B. De Baets(2020) ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. 183, 108619. |
(23) Predicting children’s food choice using check-all-that-apply questionsJ. Verwaeren, X. Gellynck, S. Lagast and J. Schouteten(2019) JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES. 34, e12471. |
(22) Comparing a standardized to a product-specific emoji list for evaluating food products by childrenJ. Schouteten, J. Verwaeren, X. Gellynck and V.L. Almli(2019) FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE. 72, 86–97. |
(21) Integrating expert and novice evaluations for augmenting ordinal regression modelsM. Sader, J. Verwaeren, R. Pérez-Fernández and B. De Baets(2019) INFORMATION FUSION. 51, 1-9. |
(20) Green leaf volatile production by plants : a meta-analysisM. Ameye , S. Allmann, J. Verwaeren, G. Smagghe, G. Haesaert, R. C. Schuurink and K. Audenaert(2018) NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 220, 666-683. |
(19) Emoji as a tool for measuring children’s emotions when tasting foodJ. Schouteten, J. Verwaeren, S. Lagast, X. Gellynck and H. De Steur(2018) FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE. 68, 322–331. |
(18) The influence of natural oils of blackcurrant, black cumin seed, thyme and wheat germ on dough and bread technological and microbiological qualityE. Debonne, I. De Leyn, J. Verwaeren, S. Moens, F. Devlieghere, M. Eeckhout and F. Van Bockstaele(2018) LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 93, 212–219. |
(17) Species prevalence and disease progression studies demonstrate a seasonal shift in the alternaria population composition on potatoM. Vandecasteele, S. Landschoot, J. Carrette, J. Verwaeren, M. Höfte, K. Audenaert and G. Haesaert(2018) PLANT PATHOLOGY. 67, 327–336. |
(16) Development and evaluation of land use regression models for black carbon based on bicycle and pedestrian measurements in the urban environmentJ. Van den Bossche, B. De Baets, J. Verwaeren, D. Botteldooren and J. Theunis(2018) ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWARE. 99, 58-69. |
(15) Congolese rhizospheric soils as a rich source of new plant growth-promoting endophytic Piriformospora isolatesJ. Venneman, K. Audenaert, J. Verwaeren, G. Baert, P. Boeckx, A. M. Moango, B. D Dhed’a, D. Vereecke and G. Haesaert(2017) FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 8, 212. |
(14) The digitization of a food package's life cycle: Existing and emerging software applications in the logistics and post-logistics phaseM. Vanderroost, P. Ragaert, J. Verwaeren, B. De Meulenaer, B. De Baets and F. Devlieghere(2017) COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY. 87, 15-30. |
(13) The digitization of a food package's life cycle: Existing and emerging software applications in the pre-logistics phaseM. Vanderroost, P. Ragaert, J. Verwaeren, B. De Meulenaer, B. De Baets and F. Devlieghere(2017) COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY. 87, 1-14. |
(12) Milk fatty acids as possible biomarkers to diagnose hyperketonemia in early lactationS. Jorjong, A.T.M. van Knegsel, J. Verwaeren, R.M. Bruckmaier, B. De Baets, B. Kemp, and V. Fievez(2015) JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE. 98, 5211-5221. |
(11) A decoy-free approach to the identification of peptidesG. Gonnelli, M. Stock, J. Verwaeren, D. Maddelein, B. De Baets, L. Martens and S. Degroeve(2015) JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH. 14, 1792-1798. |
(10) A search grid for parameter optimization as a byproduct of model sensitivity analysisJ. Verwaeren, P. Van der Weeën and B. De Baets(2015) APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. 261, 8-27. |
(9) An interval estimator for the unmixing of mixtures with set-based source descriptionsJ. Verwaeren, M. Rademaker and B. De Baets(2015) INTERNAT. J. APPROXIMATE REASONING. 60, 71-92. |
(8) Mobile monitoring for mapping spatial variation in urban air quality: development and validation of a methodology based on an extensive datasetJ. Van den Bossche, J. Peters, J. Verwaeren, D. Botteldooren, J. Theunis and B. De Baets(2015) ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 105, 148-161. |
(7) Accounting for image uncertainty in SAR-based flood mappingL. Giustarini, H. Vernieuwe, J. Verwaeren, M. Chini, R. Hostache, P. Matgen, N.E.C. Verhoest and B. De Baets(2015) INTERNAT. J. APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION. 34, 70-77. |
(6) Milk fatty acids as possible biomarkers to early diagnose elevated concentration of blood plasma non-esterified fatty acids in dairy cowsS. Jorjong, A.T.M. van Knegsel, J. Verwaeren, M. Val Lahoz, B. De Baets, B. Kemp, R.M. Bruckmaier and V. Fievez(2014) JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE. 97, 7054-7064. |
(5) Habitat prediction and knowledge extraction for spawning European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) using a broad range of species distribution modelsS. Fukuda, B. De Baets, W. Waegeman, J. Verwaeren and A.M. Mouton(2013) ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWARE. 447, 1-6. |
(4) Countering the negative search bias of Ant Colony Optimization in subset selection problemsJ. Verwaeren, K. Scheerlinck and B. De Baets(2013) COMPUTERS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 40, 931-942. |
(3) Modeling the photocatalytic degradation of moxifloxacin by means of a stochastic cellular automatonP. Van der Weeën, J.M. Baetens, J. Verwaeren, X. Van Doorslaer, P.M. Heynderickx, J. Dewulf and B. De Baets(2012) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 188, 181-190. |
(2) Learning partial ordinal class memberships with kernel-based proportional odds modelsJ. Verwaeren, W. Waegeman and B. De Baets(2012) COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS. 56, 928-942. |
(1) Supervised learning algorithms for multi-class classification problems with partial class membershipsW. Waegeman, J. Verwaeren, B. Slabbinck and B. De Baets(2011) FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS. 184, 106-125. |