(6) A narrative review on the interpretability of fuzzy rule-based models
from a modern interpretable machine learning perspectiveL. Pickering, K. Cohen and B. De BaetsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS |
(5) Image-based yield prediction for tall fescue using Random Forests and Convolutional Neural NetworksS. Ghysels, B. De Baets, D. Reheul and S. MaenhoutFRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE |
(4) An OWA analysis of the VSTOXX volatility indexL. Gambarelli, S. Muzzioli and B. De BaetsINTERNAT. J. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND DECISION MAKING |
(3) State-conserving one-dimensional cellular automata with radius oneB. Wolnik, M. DziemiaĆczuk and B. De BaetsNONLINEAR DYNAMICS |
(2) Contribution of digital governments to digital transformation of firms: Evidence from ChinaP. Liu, B. Zhu, M. Yang and B. De BaetsTECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT |
(1) The LGBT+ University Inclusion Index and its application to Italian universitiesT. Russo, T. Addabbo, S. Muzzioli, F. Damiani and B. De BaetsSOFT COMPUTING |