Michiel STOCK

@KERMIT, office 110.54
(+32) 9 264.60.18

linkedin logo Stock Michiel
ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0903-6061
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Twitter #michielstock

Research Interests:

Machine learning methods for understanding, predicting and controlling community ecosystems.

Learning from networks

Journal papers

Biblio logo(10) Practical equivalent electrical circuit identification for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis with gene expression programming
M. Van Haeverbeke, M. Stock and B. De Baets
Biblio logo(9) Crowdsourced mapping of unexplored target space of kinase inhibitors
A. Cichonska, B. Ravikumar, R. J. Allaway, F. Wan, S. Park, O. Isayev, S. Li, M. Mason, A. Lamb, Z. Tanoli, M. Jeon, S. Kim, M. Popova, S. Capuzzi, J. Zeng, K. Dang, G. Koytiger, J. Kang, C. I. Wells, T. M. Willson, M. Tan, C.-H. Huang, E. S. C. Shih, T.-M. Chen, C.-H. Wu, W.-Q. Fang, J.-Y. Chen, M.-J. Hwang, X. Wang, M. B. Guebila, B. Shamsaei, S. Singh, T. Nguyen, M. Karimi, D. Wu, Z. Wang, Y. Shen, H. Öztürk, E. Ozkirimli, A. Özgür, H. Lim, L. Xie, G. K. Kanev, A. J. Kooistra, B. A. Westerman, P. Terzopoulos, K. Ntagiantas, C. Fotis, L. Alexopoulos, D. Boeckaerts, M. Stock, B. De Baets, Y. Briers, F. Wan, S. Li, Y. Luo, H. Hu, J. Peng, J. Zeng, T. Dogan, A. S. Rifaioglu, H. Atas, R. C. Atalay, V. Atalay, M. J. Martin, S. Park, M. Jeon, S. Kim, J. Lee, S. Yun, B. Kim, B. Chang, J. Kang, M. Popova, S. Capuzzi, O. Isayev, G. Turu, Á. Misák, B. Szalai, L. Hunyady, M. Lienhard, P. Prasse, I. Bachmann, J. Ganzlin, G. Barel, R. Herwig, D. Oršolić, B. Lučić, V. Stepanić, T. Šmuc, T. I. Oprea, A. Schlessinger, D. H. Drewry, G. Stolovitzky, K. Wennerberg, J. Guinney, T. Aittokallio
Biblio logo(8) PhaLP: A database for the study of phage lytic proteins and their evolution
B. Criel, S. Taelman, W. Van Criekinge, M. Stock and Y. Briers
(2021) VIRUSES. 13, 1240.
Biblio logo(7) Disentangling the information in species interaction networks
M. Stock, L. Hoebeke and B. De Baets
(2021) ENTROPY. 23, 703.
Biblio logo(6) Optimal transportation theory for species interaction networks
M. Stock, T. Poisot and B. De Baets
(2021) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 11, 3841-3855.
Biblio logo(5) Cold-start problems in data-driven prediction of drug-drug interaction effects
P. Dewulf, M. Stock and B. De Baets
(2021) PHARMACEUTICALS. 14, 429.
Biblio logo(4) Pairwise learning for predicting pollination interactions based on traits and phylogeny
M. Stock, N. Piot, S. Vanbesien, J. Meys, G. Smagghe and B. De Baets
(2021) ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. 451, 109508.
Biblio logo(3) Rapid and high-throughput evaluation of diverse configurations of engineered lysins using the VersaTile technique
L. Duyvejonck, H. Gerstmans, M. Stock, D. Grimon, R. Lavigne and Y. Briers
(2021) ANTIBIOTICS. 10, 293.
Biblio logo(2) Predicting bacteriophage hosts based on sequences of annotated receptor-binding proteins
D. Boeckaerts, M. Stock, B. Criel, H. Gerstmans, B. De Baets and Y. Briers
(2021) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 11, 1467.
Biblio logo(1) Otolith identification using a deep hierarchical classification model
M. Stock, B. Nguyen, W. Courtens, H. Verstraete, E. Stienen and B. De Baets